The Journey Continues With You!
The Michigan Maritime Museum is on the threshold of a transformative opportunity.
As the anchor of South Haven’s Maritime District, the Museum has established itself over the past four decades as not only a leader in the preservation of Michigan’s Great Lakes maritime heritage, but also a center for education, research and enrichment. Its professionally curated land-side exhibits, combined with on-water experiences offered on a licensed fleet of authentic period vessels, has made it a one-of-a-kind destination asset for the City of South Haven and the greater West Michigan region. But the Museum’s ability to grow, to expand its impact, maximize its mission, meet growing visitor demand, and keep South Haven’s harbor an authentic, living representation of Great Lakes maritime culture, has been constrained by its space-limited campus…until now.
With the recent acquisition of adjoining property, the former Jensen’s Fishery, the Museum has a once-in-a-generation opportunity to double the size of its campus and take its strategic vision to the next level.
The Launching a Legacy Campaign is now underway. Learn more about how you can help Launch a Legacy.
Before & After

Drag the bar to see the MMM before and after we Launch a Legacy

Aerial Before and After
This ambitious $8 million campaign has 4 main goals:

Enhance the Museum’s education and research capabilities with a new main museum building and exhibit/community event space, new indoor and outdoor gathering spaces, larger and more flexible exhibit areas, expanded programming and more children’s activities year-round.

Economic Impact
Generate exponentially greater economic benefits to the City of South Haven by building the community’s standing as a major, year-round tourism destination, and by providing a new, versatile community event center with access to both the harbor’s Maritime District and the downtown.

Financial Stability
Ensure a stable financial future for the Museum through increased generated revenue as well as establishing the Museum as an integral part of the success of the City of South Haven and the region.

Historic Preservation
Protect valuable harbor real estate and navigational infrastructure as a “working waterfront,” increase public access to the water, preserve historic maritime structures and heritage, and strengthen the Museum’s role as a steward of Great Lakes cultural and natural resources.
The Board That Launched A Legacy
These trustees are responsible for the first $2.4 million raised in 2018 to Launch a Legacy
Joan Bauer, President
Lansing, MI
Jim Woodruff, Vice President
Richland, MI
Guy Calhoun, Secretary
South Haven, MI
Bob Hoppes, Treasurer
South Haven, MI
David Bergman
Aurora, IL
David Campbell
Kalamazoo, MI
Brian DeBest
South Haven, MI
Jan Frizzo
Portage, MI
Dana Getman
South Haven, MI
Patrick Miller
South Haven, MI
Mike Smith
Indianapolis, IN
Mike Winkel
Englewood, FL
Ruth Paschel Wiser
Kalamazoo, MI
Steering Committee
Brian Bosgraaf, Chair
Joan Bauer
Patti Montgomery Reinert
Dana Getman
Ruth Wiser
Sandy Bryson
Bob Hoppes
Danae Miedema
Greg O’Niel
Andrea Olson
Kathy Wagaman